Translations:Soul Scroll/3/en

From BlackTalon Wiki

Soul Scrolls have fixed attributes and are tied to the creature that you obtained that scroll, which means that soul scrolls from different monsters are different from one another, but they will have the same bonuses if looted from the same monster.

A soul scroll when you hover your cursor over the scroll (values and monster merely illustrative).
Bonuses displaying on applied soul scroll

Soul scrolls cannot be freely equipped in any piece of gear you have. When looking at the soul scroll, like shown in the image to the left, it will inform you which parts it can be applied to, in its upper part, above the creature's name. You can only equip the soul scroll in its specified equipment part. You can equip only one of the same scroll in the same part, however you can apply the same soul scroll in multiple parts, as long as it's the parts specified and it does not exceed 1 of the same scroll.