
From BlackTalon Wiki

Imbue Poison mechanics

Below we'll list the effects of each poison type from the spell Imbue Poison, as well as showcasing them in action. To change the poison used, one must type !poison with the desired type after the command.

Poison type Description Showcase
Normal Normal Earth Poison (max stack: 3) Imbuepoisonnormal.gif
Cursed Death Damage Poison. Low damage but long duration (max stack: 6) Imbuepoisoncursed.gif
Paralyzing Energy DoT and paralyze the target (max stack: 2) Imbuepoisonparalyzing.gif
anti-coagulant Anti-Coagulant Poison. Causes bleed and reduce healing by 5% (max stack: 2) Imbuepoisonanticoag.gif