
From BlackTalon Wiki

Proficiency slot bonuses

As stated above, all slots give bonuses upon leveling up and breaking through the level cap. All slots give bonus might, PvE damage and PvE armor rating, but each slot has a specific bonus tied to its type, which we will list below.

Type Bonus
Profhelm.pngHelmet Spell damage
Profammy.pngAmulet Damage
Profbp.pngBackpack Skill
Profarmor.pngArmor HP/MP
Profweap.pngWeapon Skill
Profshield.pngShield Armor rating
Proflegs.pngLegs HP/MP
Profring.pngRing Damage
Profammo.pngAmmo Skill
Profboots.pngBoots Spell damage