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Traits are unique bonuses that you can apply in your equipment. They are mostly obtained through higher difficulty Daily Bosses, while the rarer universal one only found in the Roulette.

Trait list and mechanics

Below we will list the traits currently implemented in game while also adding a quick showcase.

Trait Name Description Showcase
Onslaught Chance to deal fatal damage, increasing the damage by 60% Onslaught.gif
Momentum Every 2 seconds, you have a chance to reduce every attack spell cooldown by 2 seconds Momentum.gif
Siphon Every 2 seconds, you heal based on siphon % damage dealt in the last second, up to 20% of your HP/MP Siphon.gif
Retribution Every 6 seconds, you deal damage around you based on the damage received Retribution.gif
Safeguard Your healing spells have a chance to heal double Safeguard.gif

While traits are applied to your equipment, you can't simply apply any trait you find to any equipment. Traits are equipment variable and will require the necessary tier to match the set so it can be successfully applied. Traits are assigned randomly upon applying, so you cannot choose which trait you want to have.

Item Icon Matching Set Description
Bluesettrait.png Blue Set Can only be applied on any part of the Blue Set
Crownsettrait.png Crown Set Can only be applied on any part of the Crown Set
Aragornsettrait.png Aragorn Set Can only be applied on any part of the Aragorn Set
Lionsettrait.png Lion Set Can only be applied on any part of the Lion Set
Deathcallsettrait.png Death Call Set Can only be applied on any part of the Death Call Set
Soulsetstrait.png Soul Set Can only be applied on any part of the Soul Set
Magicsettrait.png Magic Set Can only be applied on any part of the Magic Set
Iceforgedsettrait.png Iceforged Set Can only be applied on any part of the Iceforged Set
Universaltrait.png Any Set Can be applied on any part of any set